Bidding "Fishwell" to Dr Manfred Tietze of New Sonic

Spectrographic has enjoyed the company of Dr Manfred Tietze from Newsonic. 

On their final night Paul and Manfred went out for fish and chips at the Chevin at Menston, West Yorkshire, with its amazing back drops and scenery.

Using the portable fork "hardness tester" to check the chips.  Chips met the spec and the fish was great too. 

The laughter has certainly been flying this week, with this business partnership.

"Just for the record, we test metals using portable or classical hardness testers." says Spectrographic's Managing Director, Paul Chippendale.

Thanks for your help Manfred from Newsonic.

Require any information on the Sonodur 2 UCI portable hardness tester, then please contact Spectrographic.


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