Microstructure Preparation Routes for Metallurgical Analysis

Spectrographic is a leading metallurgical supplier of preparation equipment and consumables, based in Bradford in the United Kingdom.

The main industrial sectors that we deal in is automotive, aerospace, rail, energy, test house, metal preparation laboratories and Universities.

Our aim is to be able to assist our client base with knowledge on how to prepare metallography samples all the way through to microscopy.

This has been completed by a new section on our website which is called preparation routes, thus aiding the metallurgist in which products can be used for each of the metallic steels and alloys.

If there is a preparation route not on the website, please contact the Spectrographic Team and they will advise you of the correct materials preparation route for your application.

Email: sales@spectrographic.co.uk

Tel: 01274 966173

Website: www.spectrographic.co.uk


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