New Cutting Machine
The MetCut 200/250 is an ideal cut-off machine for the metallurgical laboratory. This floor standing robust cutter offers manual cutting, semi automatic cutting and fully automatic cutting. The cooling of the sample is applied through a multi-nozzle system allowing cooling to be directed to the cut surface, the filter coolant tank is housed in the floor standing cabinet.
The linear cutting action is ideal for the sectioning of fasteners and other heavier samples. A maximum cutting size of 200mm x 60mm gives a very impressive cutting capacity from the 250mm cutting wheel.
Additional features are vernia controlled twin vices to accommodate small samples or take multiple slices.
Added details are the magnetic washer-down and external mounted light.
The machine is manufactured to full CE and can be seen at Spectrographic demonstration facility.
So call the people you know and trust on 01274 966173.
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Additional features are vernia controlled twin vices to accommodate small samples or take multiple slices.
Added details are the magnetic washer-down and external mounted light.
The machine is manufactured to full CE and can be seen at Spectrographic demonstration facility.
So call the people you know and trust on 01274 966173.
Or visit our website -
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